Higher education & teaching

Journalism: Opinion & Articles

Students Talking: The Case for Teaching about Gender Violence

Inside Higher Ed

The movie Women Talking, based on the novel by Miriam Toews and nominated for Best Picture at this weekend’s Academy Awards, has something to teach those of us who teach. I make this claim well aware of the vast differences between most U.S. college students and the group of Mennonite women who have gathered in a hayloft to decide what to do in the wake of multiple rapes. Will they do nothing, stay and fight, or leave?

Topics: Gender-based violence, Higher education & teaching

Mothers on the tenure track

The Mothers Movement Online

I loved The Nanny Diaries, the 2002 bestseller by a pair of former nannies who served up a merciless satire of the overly moneyed in Manhattan, their neglected children and their exploitive ways with the domestic help. Part comedy, part class commentary, the novel was a good laugh, and I expect I'll enjoy the movie version that opened on Friday every bit as much.   But as a working mother, I can't help noting how little the story has to do with reality—either with the situation of parents like me, who depend on nannies and babysitters to care for our children, or with the lives of most women who work as caregivers.

Topics: Gender & cultural change, Higher education & teaching, Motherhood & parenting, Work & caregiving